Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"You Should Start a Blog."

Yep, that's JUST what I need - a blog.
Another distraction.
Another place to "perform" (and critique myself).
Another way to get myself into trouble with words.
Another place to be authentic and show the world that Christians can laugh, and struggle, and laugh, and be empowered, and laugh...and truly love Jesus.
Wait a second - that last one didn't sound half bad.

So, here I am.
I would love to make you laugh everytime you visit this site, but that kind of pressure stresses me out. Instead, I'll just share whatever happens to be "life" in each moment. I'm a mom (who is warping her children through homeschool), a recovering perfectionist, a decent sidekick for my (much funnier) husband, and a hot mess.

If you'd like to come along with me on this journey, I'd appreciate the company...and maybe a witness or two.


  1. First comment on your blog! I'm glad you're doing this, although I appreciate the incoherent ramblings of Becky Rassi quite a bit. Hopefully, this blog won't completely eliminate those! Can't wait to read more!

  2. Hey! There you are! I didn't see it when you geared up, but I'm in with my mug in hand.

    Rhonda (aka, Hot Mess, Too)

  3. Cool! I shall make a note to check in every now and then.

  4. Bout time! :-) I just subscribed. Can't wait to hear more....

    Also, now that I officially have posted 1/3 of all comments on said blog, can we the people, request pics? Lots of pics?

  5. Yes! I will enjoy every post! I have been waiting for this!

  6. So excited to read this blog!!!!

  7. I've been a hot mess with you for many years... our journeys, though very different, are strangely similar because we are sisters in Christ!! I've hung with you and leaned on you for a long time... not going to stop now... I love you!!

  8. This will be a treat for me! And you're right... it's good for us to all just be real with eachother. As a recovering perfectionist myself, and someone who always heard growing up "never air your dirty laundry in public"... the importance and HEALTHINESS of just being real with others is finally dawning on me. It's the only way we can truly love and encourage eachother.

    So anyway... this is a good idea. I'm going to enjoy it because I can always identify so much with you. That, and you're funny. I love your choices of words, you hot mess you. LOL


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